I am relatively new to all the blogging an internet stuff.  I just thought I would help my children out.  They are always calling me to ask for a recipe.  I can be out with another family member or friend, and shabam the phone rings, mom how do I make this?...So here I go, trying to help all the other moms in the world. 

I enjoy cooking way to much!!! I have 6 children most of them grown an out of the house.  The past christmas I threatened to cancel all future holidays that require I prepare a meal for them all!!!  I only had 30 people at my house for Christmas Dinner.  Trust me, that did not include the number of people I prepare plates for outside my home.  I really enjoy cooking, so I am always looking for great recipes and shortcuts!!!!!

So please help me out, if you have a secret recipe that restaurants would die for please let me know.  If you are anything like me we can all use the extra tips an help.

Thanks for sharing your stories with us.

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